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Clicking Multiplayer Crashes game.
Ok well. After spending hours trying to get Toribash to FINALLY open properly, now when I click Multiplayer tb.exe stops responding. I do not get any errors in stderr. I will attempt any of the recommendations even though I most likely tried 90% of them. Any information needed I will provide with event watcher, etc. Help is greatly appreciated.
No dice :/ I tried those and still nothing. My stderr has nothing in it either. Maybe event viewer would help?
What solved the issue for me a few months back was right-clicking on the game. Then take the third option (the one where you choose which GPU to run the game with). If the integrated graphics are selected, that is likely your problem. Choose the other GPU (for example NVIDIA...) and set it as the standard.
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Faster way for that^
./opt fixedframerate and minimize Tb For maybe 45 seconds..
Fps:goes up and enables you to gain acess to a server..
Make fun of eggs and i SWEAR TO GOD!