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[Image] My First Custom Head
So, hello there.
I'm pretty new to Toribash, i guess it's a week or so, but i created my first own custom head.

Now i'd like to ask you for some comments, maybe improvement suggestions or something like that, or just what you think of it.

It's a green skinned Fighter with a blindfold on, where the eyes come trough glowing in a bright blue.
On the back is a "H" for Harthmut.

So, what do you think?
it's good i rly like it, but it's plain, so add some more features l8r
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
Originally Posted by sorrow View Post
Not bad, i wonder what it would look like with shaders.

thank you, and about the shaders... if my pc only wouldn't come straight off the stone age haha
I've definitely seen worse. Now, make this!

I'm kidding, that was mean of me.
Keep on making heads, someday you'll be up there with the best.
Originally Posted by Velve View Post
Is that a radioactive marijuana leaf on the top of its head O.o

nope, i don't really know for myself, i think i just wanted it not to look so empty ^^
maybe i modify it the next days, maybe some hair... :P
Originally Posted by Harthmut View Post
nope, i don't really know for myself, i think i just wanted it not to look so empty ^^
maybe i modify it the next days, maybe some hair... :P

Ah damn woulve been ub3r cool if it was -_-
I think that's pretty good. Certainly better than my early efforts, and you appear to have managed to conquer the distortion caused by wrapping 'round a sphere.

My only qualms are that one, I don't like the colour (just my opinion), and two, some areas don't wrap perfectly (notably, the top).
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."