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Twitch's New Audio Policy
So, for those of you who don't already know. Twitch has been undergoing some large changes lately after its purchase by Google. One of these changes is a new audio policy, which can be read here:

If I'm reading this right, and I'm making this thread to make sure I am. It seems like these changes won't affect TB streaming much? My (possibly incorrect) understanding is that a stream will only be considered a VOD if you tell twitch to save it beforehand. Most TB streams don't do this, so they should be able to stream music as they please? Never tried to save a VOD myself so I can't say for sure.

Personally not to fond of this change to twitch myself. I understand it's good for music companies to have rights over their IPs. But I can't imagine they actually profit from doing this in the grand scheme of things.
only with previously saved streams, yes
i doubt they will end up finding your stream while coincidentally streaming a copyright song that would hurt their feelings in time to mute it, and they would have to know when it would end so they can unmute you. hell, you could change the song before its over.