Original Post
[AUCTION]Dark-Angel body texture set
hey everyone, I already have a shop , but this is a totally different auction that will end in 5 days.

this is the set that I am auctioning

starting bid : 19k
min bid : 1k
autobuy : 30-40k
auction end: 3hours after last bid
start bidding thank you
also this set

starting bid : 20k
min bid : 1k
autobuy : 45k
auction end:3hours after last bid
Last edited by HiM999; Sep 26, 2009 at 01:00 PM.
nice textures there the head oesnt fit the text change it and pple will buy.second thighs are different offence this should be twister.8/10, very cool textures. GL.Peace.
Visit my shop it has the best Items with the lowest prices!
i dont like using the same form on textures on the thighs
it's more of an armor plating on the legs and triceps

edit: TY anyway XD
close please
MacDonald's owns all now... do not question this fact or I will skin you alive...
and eat the skin in a.......MAC CHICKEN BURGER!!!