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[TEX] dbag - Human head
This is my first texture using a tablet, any cnc, advice and tips are apreciated.

It's a WIP and just noticed that the chin mapping sucks on a sphere, need to fix that. The eyes are just a "sketch" atm.

Earlier Wips

Software used: Adobe Photoshop CS5 and 3DS Max for the sphere previews.

Thanks in advance for any comments.
Last edited by NoGood; Oct 5, 2012 at 09:55 PM.
nice start doing human faces,

Your choice of mapping is okay,
You could put the face wider, so the ears would be less visible looking from front.

it looks thin,
try to work better on the wrinkles when the muscles of the face moves,
it is a hard work to create a correct expression.

a bit of abstract face,
the eyes are much different, the eyebrows are shorter than eyes and the mouth moves unreal, It is not the worst problem to correct.

before finish it, try to detail more the whole head, it is a good first WIP.
Thanks for the comments^ and I agree with pretty much everyhing you said dengue, I made the sketch and started painting it without checking how it would look on a sphere so that's why it maps strangely in some places. I'll fix everything tommorrow when I get back from work.

As for the mouth, I wanted it to have a disgusted - don't know if that's the right word - look, think I overdid it though .
Small update, fixed the stache, eyebrows and pulled the ears back a little. Also tried to fix the chin but I think I'll just remove it in the end or make it less pronounced:


Another WIP, added some color:


Last edited by NoGood; Oct 5, 2012 at 09:53 PM.
Realy good work, is it a request or a personal work?
Awesome work so far, just some minor things.

Might only be me, but the choice to have the ear so close to the front looks a bit awkward.

Drawing the hair from the middle also looks a bit dull.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Thanks, I'm glad you guys like it.
It's not a request, I made this for practice and fun (:.

As for the hair - I'm not satisfied with it either as it was done in a rush, will probably redo it once I finish all the tweaks to the rest.

The reason I made the ears closer to the face is to be able to see them from the front, I can see how it doesn't lool that good on a sphere though. Will try to move them even further back.

Anyways here are a couple of other minor tweaks, I think the mouth and ears are almost done:


Edit: I think it's finished, or very close to
Last edited by NoGood; Oct 5, 2012 at 11:04 PM.