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Money Making
Hi guys, I'm relatively new to Toribash and I have one question...What is the best FREE way to earn Toricredits on this game? I have had 2 or 3 other accounts and the furthest I've gotten was 1k credits, not much considering the prices of most items on the Shop.

PS-I searched the forums for topics to answer this question and haven't found any, I also would appreciate if people didn't post the obvious, like "just fight and win, k your welcome lulz". I would appreciate any strategies.

Thank you
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.
Originally Posted by Odachi View Post
PS-I searched the forums for topics to answer this question and haven't found any, I also would appreciate if people didn't post the obvious, like "just fight and win, k your welcome lulz". I would appreciate any strategies.

Farming, but you can get banned.
So, just play.
ayylmaos are real
obviously play the goddamn game.

no one is going to give you credits for free, this is begging and one of the most annoying things you can do here.

the reason why you didnt find any threads, is because they are all in the hall of shame, or non existant.

if you like, you could go to my loan shop in my signature.
Ok lemme get one thing straight...I'm not begging. I'm asking if anyone has a strategy for making ToriCredits faster than fighting and winning.

1. Farming: Not sure how that works but if it can get me banned, no thank you.

2. Winning in Tourneys: Alright but the chances of winning against all those Dans are quite low.

3. Shops: Makes a lot of sense but wouldn't you have to buy the item before selling it to people for a lower price?

I was hoping for maybe a certain gametype or server where 1 or 2 moves are all you need to dominate. I'm not sure what to expect, I just want to see if there are any interesting ideas.

PS - I can't do the loans, if I borrow 7k there's no way I'm gonna be able to repay that in 2 weeks.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.
Now I have millions of tc, I started with:
1) Textures making ~200k earned
2) Duels ~200k earned
3) Tourneys ~200k earned

But booster is the best way to get tc, but too long, or buy from my shop.
That's very interesting Hector. Lemme ask you though, how exactly do you make textures? I have Paint.Net but don't know the exact process.

I don't even really know what you mean by duels but here's something I don't understand about user shops...if you need to buy the item, to sell the item for is that profitable?
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.
Originally Posted by Odachi View Post
1. Farming: Not sure how that works but if it can get me banned, no thank you.

2. Winning in Tourneys: Alright but the chances of winning against all those Dans are quite low.

3. Shops: Makes a lot of sense but wouldn't you have to buy the item before selling it to people for a lower price?

1. Smart choice.

2. There's other kinds of competitions than just Tori-gaming ones. And if you manage to win a big competition, you'll receive a truckload of TC.

3. True that.

You could make a shop in the market, and sell things that you've made yourself, depending on your skills. Textures are a common thing to sell, for instance. Hector did that, as you can see.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Ok, but I mean how exactly do you make textures? Is there a format cus I don't even have a head texture to make sure something does or doesn't work.

And the Shop thing sounds irritating, considering if you wanna make a profit you gotta buy lower than shop prices and sell high enough to make a profit...sounds...exhausting.
If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.