Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Question about GM Tournaments
So, I've been playing for a while, but last I attended my first GM Tourny. (Pretty fun!)
I was just wondering, (on average) when do they happen?
Once a day, once a week, etc.
Thanks in advance.
As far as I'm aware of pretty much daily, but it depends on how many Gms are around at that moment. And if they are in the mood to host.
Hi, thanks for showing interest in the GMtourneys.

As hamza135 said, they depend on the amount of Game Masters online. GMtourneys can vary from a few to probably 5 or 6 a day. If I can ask, who was the GM hosting that tourney?

And as a side note, there are many event that require looking at the forum to see, from GMs. Take a look at the Events Board on these forums.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Hmm, there were a few in there; Not sure who exactly was the main host.
Moop was there, Wizard, and someone else that I can't quite remember.

It was a lot of fun, and the GM's did a great job.
Keep an eye on the chat. Sometimes there is a message like this for example:

[global] Ninjas are cool? Want to be a ninja? /jo GMTourney for ninja.tbm!

That tells you how (type /jo GMTourney in the chat) you can join it and that a Tourney is about to start.