Original Post
Concerning some Record's Status
It's been nagging me for a while that some records (namely the ones that have been clearly broken) haven't been updated, even if there was a mod who recognized the attempt and validated it.

So I'm posting all the threads that have a record beaten and validated by a moderator but nothing has been changed in the record book. With the record title and the person who broke it and the score they had.
Most Skeet Shots in 500 Frames
9 skeets
Fastest DQ Without Dismemberment
23 frames

And it has been bugging me how one of my attempts have been ignored by moderators and because of that slipped under the radar. I'm listing that thread as well.
Highest Dismember Threshold Decap
1600 DM Threshold (1700 technically as I have the replay myself but NutHug made one that was 1700 editting mine, so it's understandably a confusing situation but at least SOME attention would have been nice)

And one that I didnt post under the right format because I wanted to know if it was valid first but it's here. I understand it not being entered because I didnt post it properly and if thats the issue then I'll repost it.
Longest Accurate Throw
12675 ED

Thanks for your time if you read the whole thing.

And mods please look <.<
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Thanks. I just got mod powers when blackbear left so I was not aware of many records that have been beat. However making a new thread is not really the best way to handle this. A pm to me or any other mod would have worked even better. Why? You might ask? Well it makes us look as if we are not doing are jobs correctly and that is not the case. Thanks again. I will add those as soon as possible.
Well, until recently, it has been the case. The mods will say "OK, nice job." and not add the record. We new mods know what we're doing though.