Original Post
[Shop]Malvado's Texture request shop
1) - (4k)
2) - (2.5k)
3) - (2k)
4) - (1.5k)
5) - (1k)
6) - Sold to Killer20

7) - 1k

8 ) - 1k

More to come soon.

Some textures are previewed in 256x256 and loose quality when re-sized.

I take requests.
Last edited by MalBot; Jul 23, 2009 at 04:06 AM.
Reserved for future updates.


Originally Posted by ThunderX View Post
Can you make me a full robot set?

I'm using pharos force and relax

Use metallic effects on the body ^.^

The head;i want a normal robotic head,you know with the visor and things,but metallich effect on the visor,just make it match with pharos.

Last edited by MalBot; Jul 23, 2009 at 04:15 AM.
Originally Posted by killer20 View Post
sending 100tc for head 6

I'll send you it in a few minutes, i have to upload it.
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