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Debating thread (beware of many-worded hyde-like posts)
So yeah, i've been having terrible nightmares, and i am afraid of the dark etc. So, my subconscious is slam-packed full of scary things, etc etc.

In yout opinion, what is a dream, and how does it form, and how is the dream chosen? Meaning why have dreams of corndogs? Why not orcas?

Please don't make me have to didntread.gif

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I always heard dreams form from things you've thought about during the day.
I.E: If you spend all day thinking about, for example, a new game you want - you might dream about it. This might also be, ehem, why teenagers tend to dream about sex quite alot - because it's always on their mind.
Dreams aren't only formed from your thoughts during that day, but they also serve some function in memory storage (or so I've heard). By experiencing a dream, you are both moving parts of your short-term memory into long-term memory, as well as recalling some parts of your long-term memory (thus dreaming sometimes of people you've not seen for a while, or things of that nature).
I don't always have dreams, but when I do, they're about sex, me and someone I know on an adventure, or something I really want to happen. I don't think I sleep enough to have dreams most days. Either that, or it's because I day dream alot.
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