Original Post
New members please Read! [RULES!]
First of all welcome to the clan!

Please post here to introduce yourself if you have just joined.

Please note that only Evil ELITES may recruit other members to this clan.

Here are the Rules.



#1: Thou shalt not be a zerg.

#2: Thou shalt speak like a normal person. (Unless your not of English origin)

#3: Thou shalt listen to thy leader and higher ranking members. (And eventually other people who earn it.)

#4: Thou shalt not join a second clan. (Unless you quit Evil first.) Nor advertise one (unless it's appropriate).

#5: Thou shalt be nice to Evil members. (We may be Evil but we're not rude)

#6: Thou shalt be active on the Evil boards. (You don't have to post every day, but try to post at least once per week.)

#7: There is no rule 7

#8: Thou shalt have fun!


You don't have to follow the rules, but don't humiliate yourself


#1: Be respectful to every player. Do not underestimate anyone.

#2: Don't use curse words (You can use some curse words, just try not to drop the F-Bomb, or swear up a storm after you lose or something)

#3: Don't be a sore loser (You've all seen this. You're playing around, having fun, then some guy loses and goes "****!!! You suck, **** you!", then leaves the room. It ruins all the fun)

Please keep the forum organized and respected by following these rules.


1) NO JUNK: I see a lot of threads like "Doctor Ognopacious" or "I just got 10k". Well for things that have no value to the clan or are ridiculous is for "Evil Wibbles" which is why we made that. For things like "I got 25k" that belongs in "Evil wibbles" or "Evil Clan Bank" threads or even in the game.

2) NOTHING FROM THE PAST REPEATED: one is enough, for example swooya: I'm not naming any names but I saw a thread where it was like "in 133.6 forum I tried to own swooya." we already have a thread about swooya and where we express our anger. But seriously that was 2-3 weeks ago, we don't need to stress it anymore. It's wasting our time and forum space. So leave things for one thread only, not 2. If swooya burns the clan again then screw him we'll just close the thread but we won't keep stressing it.

3) Wanting to join: this goes to anyone that wants to join. we already have a want to join thread and we don't need another. Any member that want to join but fail to put it in the right place will be: ignored and their posts/threads will be deleted. (I'll put this as a warning in all the threads I see fit)

4) NO SPAM: Evil Wibbles, but spam is bad mkay? I want the spam levels LOW (when I say low I mean close to none unless it's allowed)

5) Recruits: hm... I guess I should sticky a thread called "Evil newbie safe haven" or something like that. Anyways we really don't need an announcement for that until I make the thread.

6) Fake Members: Anyone that sees this it's okay to make an announcement but do we need a (bleep)ing discussion?! no we just need to see who it is and be on the look out.

7) Making threads: If you're gonna make a (bleep)ing thread make it useful. NOT single sentences. I think I make my self clear eh OK9ZERA?

8 ) Off topicness: No just no. Threads are made for people to discuss the topic it's about. NOT to just make a new topic like "hey I'm back" or "hey dudes let's make a tourney" no you either make your own thread to discuss the topic or don't change the topic at all.

9) closed threads: Threads are closed for a (bleep)ing reason. Moderators don't open them after they're closed, that's just immature, irresponsible, and stupid *cough* Madgecko11 *cough cough* Next time a moderator does this there shall be consequences.
Last edited by Goat; Sep 24, 2015 at 12:17 AM.
Originally Posted by Inuyasha11 View Post
like the rules glad 2 b apart of evil, can u clear up the ranking system and how we can becomehigh ranking evils?

Play a while, be active, etc... I've been evil elite on/off for a while now, and thats how its worked for me.

Not grounded anymore
Please post here to introduce yourself if you have just joined.

Um, Ohai.
The name is Fezch. I do not like it if I see my name spelled wrong. (for example: Fzech)
Ah, my application is in the joining thread.
And... Thats pretty much it.

EDIT: Oh, and I am a New Zealander.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
I was recently kicked from a clan called SB (sons of betrayal) for being innactive. if that will be a problem with this clan, then you can ignore me entirely. I'm a blue belt, and I try to avoid the noobclap. unfortunately, I must admit, I LOVE the shovel. but I haven't implied it in combat in a while, due to my last clan doing judo all the time. (I do have a variant of the shovel that works for judo) part of the reason for my "innactivity" was that I don't like judo. if I'm told "yes" I'll bookmark the forums so I can visit them more regularly. I'm usually on around 23:00-24:00 est time zone.

that's me in a nutshell.
Stats: :Proud whatever-the-hell-I-am-at-that-moment-in-time of VorteX:
Originally Posted by cloak174 View Post
I was recently kicked from a clan called SB (sons of betrayal) for being innactive. if that will be a problem with this clan, then you can ignore me entirely. I'm a blue belt, and I try to avoid the noobclap. unfortunately, I must admit, I LOVE the shovel. but I haven't implied it in combat in a while, due to my last clan doing judo all the time. (I do have a variant of the shovel that works for judo) part of the reason for my "innactivity" was that I don't like judo. if I'm told "yes" I'll bookmark the forums so I can visit them more regularly. I'm usually on around 23:00-24:00 est time zone.

that's me in a nutshell.

Did you bother to read the requirements to join?
umm, I didn't see that, I just saw the "new members" tab and went there. guess that's a no then?
Stats: :Proud whatever-the-hell-I-am-at-that-moment-in-time of VorteX:
1. Inactive.
2. Blue Belt.
3. Hasn't bookmarked the forums.
4. Likes shovel.
5. 3 posts.

I say no, even although I am not in this clan anymores...
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
well no one said I EXPECTED to get in. but I did bookmark the forums. lol. at any rate, I'm going to go without a clan for a while. so forget I was here. =D
Stats: :Proud whatever-the-hell-I-am-at-that-moment-in-time of VorteX: