Original Post
You twitched around like crazy, the first kick was decently aimed but had no
power, momentum nor follow through, good job on getting the double core
though, then you kicked twice(small twitch kicks but still kicks) with the same
leg and hit air, don't do that, just hold or relax the leg when you're not using it.
The decap kick was decent, but a bit awkward and you should of went for a
more powerful hit and when I mean more powerful I mean in the way that it
looks more powerful, because you did happen to get a lot of points for it,
after that you just randomly twitched around and then attempted to pose.
Pretty boring. Try to smoothly follow your momentum and 'fall into' rather than
twitch rapidly into a pose, that way you can balance it as well.

Overall pretty well bad....but pretty good since you're new.

Have fun.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do