Original Post
[B] Full 128 Joints
Well I am looking to buy some tc, but if I cant get what I am looking for want to buy full 128 joints.

Dont post about tc on here because if I buy full 128 joints then I will be paying in USD through paypal.

Give me offers and we will go from there.

Payment: USD Through PayPal.

Originally Posted by Market Rules
III) A user may have more than one thread open if each thread serves a different purpose. Note that having multiple threads with the same purpose may result in infractions.

.....[A] : Auction : For auctioning off art/items.
.....[B] : Buying : For requesting art/items.
.....[S] : Selling : For selling art/items.
.....[T] : Trading : For swapping items.
.....[R] : Request : For requesting art

One [B] thread: <- This thread is closed.

Another [B] thread: <- This thread is open.
