Original Post
[VID] Tori vs Uke
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Sony Vegas 11
Particle Illusion v3.0.4 i think.

Thanks to everyone from this Thread , sorry if your replay/replays didnt got in.
Last edited by Aadame; Mar 29, 2014 at 08:49 PM.
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
Replays, Videos
It's nice to see someone do something so different from what we normally see here. I must say though that was infuckingcredible. How long did that take? The amount of editing that must have went into that. You even made two different endings people could chose from. 99/10. GJ
Last edited by Eboy50; Mar 29, 2014 at 09:06 PM.
My pet rock died today.
That was just...

Freaking great.
tori has 14 views, uke has 12 :o
Last edited by Nerfpls; Mar 29, 2014 at 07:59 PM.
Definitely the best visuals I've ever seen in Toribash, insane work . There were some noticeable problems, but they'd be hard to fix. I'm amazed that you did all of that with Sony Vegas.

Your camera panning (not freecamming, but that was good too) was fucking spectacular and smooth.
The motion blur during the hits was kinda weird.

I've never been able to get through a long toribash video, all of them are boring. But this was great, it combined story elements reminiscent of oldschool videos (Fnugget) with great visual effects that we've never seen before in Toribash. showcase'd