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[Tex]Arcane/Tribal Set
Hey guys, this is my 2nd ever set and the first full set (I am working on the first), anyway I wanted to see if I could make a full set and here it is. CnC is welcome. The size is 512 however I only have 512 head and the rest is 128.
Program used: Gimp

hands, head, and feet are the only meh parts to it, tbh

hair could be better, hand mapping could be executed better, and the front/back/sides of the foot could be more tribal like. I guess the biceps could be different but idk

but for your second set, this is really well done, I don't particularly dislike it.

I look forward to your future sets, p cool dude.
the goblin
Try using more shading and diverse colors, and better lines. Depth is necessary for it to be good, rather than 2-d lines
The hair looks like you just drew an outline and used the bucket tool. If you're going to do that, at least use the pencil tool rather than the paintbrush tool. When you use the paintbrush tool it creates a blurred edge, and when you bucket it, it doesn't overlap the blurred edge, and looks weird.
OmegaDark1 likes soggy nipples
It's pretty good, but I'd say it would need a bit more shading overall. Some parts are a bit weird.
Are you selling it?
Modo Bestia
I like it all but the head and the hands.

Try putting a little more detail in the hair.

Overall Its a nice set cant wait to see more.
I'll work on the set tomorrow important going to sleep now, I have always struggled with the hand textures out of the ones I have done so I'm not sure if I can do muchand nerti I do plan on selling it once I have made improvements using your guys feedback.
Last edited by Cybrid; Apr 1, 2014 at 12:37 AM.
Here is the changes I have made, when you say hand mapping what is wrong with the hands? I can't do much with the hands till I know what looks bad about them.