In my opinion: All good except while contracting your knees in the cork, you also contracted your glutes a little too much, it would look nicer if your legs were a litter further apart instead of touching.
Alright, as this is like the 50 bajillion and 1 replays I've seen, I'm just going to say that Corkflipscrewfulltwist things all look the same...

As for the flip thing, your glutes are too contracted during the spin causing it to look ugly, and your elbows are way too stiff throughout the whole replay, the opening to the scoot like thing could have been refined a lot, but my main concern throughout the whole replay is the arm movement.

I'm going to recommend doing different things rather than these corkscrew things, as almost every single one from every single replay maker looks like they've just gone for it as it's the easy option. And you should just keep going back on your replays looking at what can be improved and then how to improve it.
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