Original Post
Stillblade for Hokage: [Tricking/Parkour/Sparring/ETC.]

Welcome to the replay thread of Stillblade.

Stillblade makes parkour replays, tricking replays, sparring replays, and many more replay making related replay. Leave comments, leave a critique, stop by to say hi, what ever you desire.

No Spam or Douchebagery

Attached Files
#Blade- Parkour Cave.rpl (2.25 MB, 17 views)
#Blade- Tricking 1.rpl (174.7 KB, 13 views)
parkour_cavern.tbm (27.4 KB, 10 views)
Last edited by Stillblade; Nov 21, 2016 at 02:47 AM.
Your talking about the parkour cave replay right.
Probably because you didn't put parkour_cavern.tbm in the mod folder, they appear in an all white mod and just falling form the sky because you either didn't get the mod, or didn't put the mod in the right place.
the parkour was meh nothing really notable special or unique going on, the run at the start was pretty nice

and same with the tricking you could have done a better ending pose and the landing of the cork was not good

ps both are good but like i said not that great or special
parkour needs more tricks, you know something to WOW us, tricking was cool but work on the endings of your moves. Nothing ruins a good trick like a bad finish.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
Thanks for Feedback here's another tricking replay. Went for more "Wow-Factor"
I know there was one aerial spin where my elbow went into my knee a bit. I'd fix that but i had already gotten too far into the replay when I noticed.
Attached Files
#Stillblade Wow-Factor.rpl (404.7 KB, 8 views)
#Blade Divine Convention (Tricking).rpl
to be honest i didnt like a lot
it was decent but its started good and you end it badly ;-;
#Blade Is Life A Dream?.rpl
my favorite replay of all 3
its started smoothly and good and you
ruined it again at the middle xD and the end
but it wasnt better then the first replay
#Blade Joji.rpl
i think it was good but my advice for you work on smoothness
anyway it was better then the other replays
sorry if my english still bad but am trying
anyway good luck <3