Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
This is a mod I created over the course of last night after seeing a screensaver I really liked.
It is a very simple adaptation of the bullrunning events the have in Spain.
The mod was made with the idea of competing in it, as in who can get the farthest without getting trampled by an 800kg bull.

Designing this was really difficult because I wasn't able to use objects stationed on the ground. Some quite insane forces are at play here and when something goes wrong someone is going to end up as beef. Because I dislike to compromise I chose to let the bulls keep their massive power and just design the mod around them.

The sidepaths might be difficult to traverse, which is intended, I set out wanting the bulls to be an actual danger while offering some options to bypass them, if you are skilled enough.


128 completely unique objects, 16 moveable
Challenging enviorments
Stuff to get smashed by
Angry bulls!
Fun for parts of the family!



As always any and all types of critizism and comments are greatly appreciated. Do not hesitate to tell me whats up and down, also I will sticky any replays you guys post in the thread here for everyone to enjoy

Attached Files
parkour_bullrun.tbm (28.0 KB, 190 views)
This guy has it right.

Not much to say other than:
-I love the pastel type colours
-Just... Everything is amazing. Keep up the good work I'll be uploading a replay to this post soon.
As everybody says, it's amazing, there is actually nothing that is bad in this replay, physics are great, detail is awesome.
Xlr is right, you are all forcing us to make a replay on this because of your amazing skill.
I'll try making one.
People who have darker thoughs are shier. Because they do not want to see anyone suffer like they do.
Thanks a lot lads, in my opinion this one doesn't live up to my standards, I am now awfully happy with how it turned out, but is sure is fun to play

Looking forward to your replays
You have too much time on your hands dude. This is brilliant. I do wonder however, Is the gravity supposed to be -9.82? Because that's what it's set to when I launch the mod.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
ok, this is what i have for now, im lazy so i'll work on this later
Attached Files
running wid bulls.rpl (431.3 KB, 28 views)
People who have darker thoughs are shier. Because they do not want to see anyone suffer like they do.
Originally Posted by Mack View Post
You have too much time on your hands dude. This is brilliant. I do wonder however, Is the gravity supposed to be -9.82? Because that's what it's set to when I launch the mod.

No, it isn't supposed to be like that. I've experienced that issue a few times too in other mods and I have no idea what causes it. If you open the mod in notepad you will see it is set to -30, there is definitely something strange going on with the client here.

What's the weirdest to me is how the game somehow overwrites ONLY the gravity settings while keeping everything else as it should. Perhaps a leftover from when custom gravity wasn't a thing.
I see.

So, the mod is amazingly fun to play around in. I decided to skip trying to take the path over the stampede and instead run against it. Here is my progress so far.
Attached Files
cow vaults.rpl (450.8 KB, 36 views)
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen