I'm working on a mod very similar to this >:c

Looks good, great color balance and contrast, very refreshing.

The big flaws for me is how everything is extremely large, especially the wood details are waaaaaay too thick.
The other thing is how far apart everything is, I'm not sure if you used all 128 objects or not but the mod looks incredible empty unless the camera is really far away.

Also the waterfall defying physics bothers me >_>

Nice mod overall, looks crisp and exciting but kind of tedious to play.
Originally Posted by jisse View Post
I'm working on a mod very similar to this >:c

Looks good, great color balance and contrast, very refreshing.

The big flaws for me is how everything is extremely large, especially the wood details are waaaaaay too thick.
The other thing is how far apart everything is, I'm not sure if you used all 128 objects or not but the mod looks incredible empty unless the camera is really far away.

Also the waterfall defying physics bothers me >_>

Nice mod overall, looks crisp and exciting but kind of tedious to play.

funny thing. first i was making a city pk like you did. (the one with diamond and special roles) then i changed it to this. and i felt exactly like you now xD

But about the cnc. thank you! and yea wood things are mby too thick.
and i did use all 128 but the cave took lot of the objects. in the original plan there were mountains around the mod. but i ran out of objects.

But anyways thanks you for cnc!
Wow It looks incredible.

Looks so clean and fresh, and you can clearly see where the paths are even though its quite complex.

Looks beautiful man can't wait to get the time to try it out.
- Blu -
Gameplay wise the mod does look decent. It has multiple distinct and interesting paths you can take, although some of the paths seem to have take a lot of running between the obstacles which, as Jisse pointed out can feel tedious.
I question your choice of trying to make the environment to look like a mountain, because to be honest the mod doesn't look at all like a mountain. The placement an shape of the objects have a very unnatural and man made feel to them and just adding snow on top of them does not mountain make.
Try to pick your setting before you start the mod and then design the course around looking like it. Look up some pictures and try to figure out what are the aspects that define that kind of setting. This also allows you to consider what unique gameplay possibilities the setting can allow and thus make the mod even more interesting and exciting to play.
[The Team]
<largekilla> You are going to give me cancer
Originally Posted by Obazu View Post
Gameplay wise the mod does look decent. It has multiple distinct and interesting paths you can take, although some of the paths seem to have take a lot of running between the obstacles which, as Jisse pointed out can feel tedious.
I question your choice of trying to make the environment to look like a mountain, because to be honest the mod doesn't look at all like a mountain. The placement an shape of the objects have a very unnatural and man made feel to them and just adding snow on top of them does not mountain make.
Try to pick your setting before you start the mod and then design the course around looking like it. Look up some pictures and try to figure out what are the aspects that define that kind of setting. This also allows you to consider what unique gameplay possibilities the setting can allow and thus make the mod even more interesting and exciting to play.

Ok i understand and i kinda agree.
It dosnt look like mountains that much.
Now on ill try to remember your points!

Thank you for cnc!