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ConCon Replays
I guess I'll give you some input.

#con1 - Pretty simple replay here. Your first hit with your right arm made it look like you were trying to dm there. Also, a small thing that I tell people, try not to grab uke before you dm him, it makes it seem like you don't have as much control over your tori, because you're "relying" on it to get a good hit, rather than giving yourself a good setup. For your decap, try to hit with your hand rather than your forearm, it looks more purposeful and clean that way. I did like the knee hit though, it looks nice. The grab on the arm didn't seem to serve any purpose, I would've edited that out.

#con4 - I liked the lift, but I think it could've been better. Generally you want uke to go up while you stay on the ground. That way, you can use the ground to position yourself for a good hit on him, rather than use grabs to basically climb up his legs in the air. If just looks better that way. Your first hit was nice, but you generally want to start off with a "meatier" hit, rather than go for extremities first. If you're going to be dm'ing knees and elbows at the beginning, you should probably follow that up quickly or else its just kind of awkward looking. The hook decap was nice, not too many problems there. It looked like you were trying to do a followup hook with the other leg but it didn't work. It would've been good to either make that kick work or make it look like you didn't even try with it. The knee dm looked accidental as well, and also its not good to end on a "weak" dm like that, it makes the replay anticlimactic. Btw you were looking a bit stiff while you were doing your air-grab-climb thing, try and get a bit more fluid movement in there with your tori.

#con5 - Once again, my "try to not grab before dming" adage will be mentioned. I didn't like that you got the shoulder dm with your thigh, it looks messy. Your second kick looked like you were going for a glute dm, then you got a pec dm, and you just kept it. With a bit of more careful editing that probably could've been a boom. Also, the way that you contracted and extended your knee after that kick I didn't like, and it didn't really do anything. The decap punch into headkick was pretty cool though, I dug that.

I'm going to stop there, because cnc'ing 5 replays is a lot of work. I'll just say you've got some stuff to work on, but that can basically be fixed with more practice and spending more time editing. I'm sure you'll improve a lot with this thread.
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
Haha thanks man, I like the insight you put into it. I'm really not used to making replays. Like you said, I'll get better with more practice. Last time I made any replays was a year or 2 ago so I didn't expect to be good at it lol. But I'll learn.
con1: Pretty short and stiff overall. It's usually a good idea to start SP replays farther than the standard 100. Strikes that don't DM don't generally look good in replays, although I suppose they can look decent in a video if you sequence it right.

con4: stiff symmetrical opener, clear pauses between bouts of deliberate movement. Pretty slow as well.

con5: still stiff, and the DMs are really messy. There are not a whole lot of them either, you just do a little bit with Uke's arm and call it a day.

I'll just skip the rest of the first five and say they're all stiff and jerky, and it's plain in them that you focus on a small number of joints at any given time. You need to work on your movement and making use of the parts of your Tori that aren't whatever you're using to strike Uke.

13 Dec Opener: There are already some passable-looking bits in this replay. The first DM looks natural enough, but you forget your legs after that and grab uke with your right hand really awkwardly over your left arm, when you haven't done anything with your hands but grab Uke. The second kick lands pretty nicely and you follow it through which gives a nice sense of power, but you freeze for a few frames afterwards which cuts the flow. You also ghost your arm through your leg, and the replay is pretty messy overall, that is, you hit yourself on uke when clearly not going for a strike.

Dat ownage: A lot jerkier than the one before. You get a good amount of spin on uke, but fail to use it to any advantage, instead pulling him laboriously up to your other hand and landing a short-stroke punch for an inconsequential arm DM. I like the trajectory of your decap punch, but sadly it's a blatant nubclap. There's a decisive break in flow after the decap again where you let most of your joints reach the peak of their range of motion and only come back to life when you land. The split rip doesn't look as powerful as it should for a split. Most rip DMs don't, I'd stick to strikes until you have your movement nailed down a bit better. As for what I meant about taking more advantage of the speed you get Uke moving at, see my edit (concon edit boom). Sometimes it's important to know when to let go. Actually most of the time it's important not to grab if you don't need to.

Elbow decap: Very messy and awkward, again you're grabbing with both hands when you'd probably be better off maybe punching, contracting back a bit for a grab, letting your elbow extend a bit while relaxed and then pulling Uke in for another strike. Grabspamming can give you a degree of control and lucky DMs easily in multiplayer, but it simply won't cut it when you want to look stylish. You fail to make use of a pretty promising spot for a kick at around 300. Allow me to demonstrate (concon edit kick). It did turn out a lot trickier than I thought, and I got a bit lazy and left it pretty messy, but there you go, it's a kick.

Faceplanted: Major ghosting there, and the tricking/manipulation of Uke before the decap is really messy. You retract the decap kick right after you land it when you're in an excellent position to do something like stomping on uke's back and following up with a kick with your other foot. Still pretty stiff and jerky as well. Props on the standing pose though!

Funny: Messy and awkward DMs. Try and go for strikes that look natural. That first grab is a prime example - you could've made it into a pretty good-looking punch, but instead you grab Uke for a couple of frames for no apparent reason.

20 Dec Domination: Cleanest and most deliberate hits until now, but still stiff and twitchy, although that's getting slowly better as well. I like how you split the glutes apart. Alright pose too.

Brutality: Nice and deliberate hits here, too, but there's some pretty major ghosting going on. Uke also warps from one place to another at around 285. That's usually a sign of editing right a the frame of dismemberment, which allows the replay to go on without that DM.

first boomhit: A lot messier than the earlier two, but you're reaching behind Uke's back, which is one of the ways that it can look alright. It doesn't look entirely natural here though. Nice boom for a first, I like how you follow through with it. Transition to the pose was a bit awkard, you just basically hold-all in midair.

Quick kill: Looks more like a failed kick. It's just staring at you right there, you even connected. The reason you break Uke's elbow is that you were already grabbing before you were touching him. In SP you can afford to grab when you already have your hand where you want it. That way you won't accidentally nubclap Uke and have him go limp on you, trashing your plans. I edited a so-so kick in there (concon edit kick2)¨

Spin things up: This one's messy again, and you clearly forget all about your right arm when it's over your face for most of the replay. There's an alright backwards kick in there though.

All in all I can see clear progress already in these few replays, but you do still need practice. Keep at it. You're in a good position to take good influences judging the weekly competition. Make full use of it.
Attached Files
concon edit boom.rpl (117.8 KB, 10 views)
concon edit kick.rpl (133.0 KB, 6 views)
concon edit kick2.rpl (38.2 KB, 5 views)
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
That was very well thought out, I appreciate it very much. Although I've played toribash for ages, replay making something I never really did until now so that's where some noob ideas drop into my replay making, I'm basically testing everything out and slowly learning a few general intuition moves along the way. As you pointed out with a few replays (your boom and kicks) things like that may slip my mind sometimes as I still lack a bit of intuition within replay making and mostly go for the obvious strikes.

The jerky stiffness most likely comes from my lack of ability to freely control my own flow and momentum yet, my biggest hope is to get this down and understand core movements and how to use a greater series of joints to produce excellent momentum and such. It will take a long time, but I'm patient enough to know that I'll catch onto things within time.

One thing I'd like to stop doing is grab DMs because they always seem too cheeky and a bit noobish since it DMs things quite easily. But like I mentioned above, I still lack the control I need in the momentum for punches and strikes. I also work better with torso and arm use than I do with my legs as you can see I barely focus any replays on major kicks.

Thanks for the great feedback
Originally Posted by ConCon19 View Post
That was very well thought out, I appreciate it very much. Although I've played toribash for ages, replay making something I never really did until now so that's where some noob ideas drop into my replay making, I'm basically testing everything out and slowly learning a few general intuition moves along the way. As you pointed out with a few replays (your boom and kicks) things like that may slip my mind sometimes as I still lack a bit of intuition within replay making and mostly go for the obvious strikes.

The jerky stiffness most likely comes from my lack of ability to freely control my own flow and momentum yet, my biggest hope is to get this down and understand core movements and how to use a greater series of joints to produce excellent momentum and such. It will take a long time, but I'm patient enough to know that I'll catch onto things within time.

One thing I'd like to stop doing is grab DMs because they always seem too cheeky and a bit noobish since it DMs things quite easily. But like I mentioned above, I still lack the control I need in the momentum for punches and strikes. I also work better with torso and arm use than I do with my legs as you can see I barely focus any replays on major kicks.

Thanks for the great feedback

1 year later, ConCon is the breakdance master.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays