Slightly jerky, but dang man, amazing. Keep doing things like that I love it.

Ok I don't think I explained enough in that you have so much raw talent is insane, keep at it and you're going to be the next biggest spar guy. What you are doing is just out of this world and I cant wait to see what else you can do.
Last edited by ManlyPotato; Apr 26, 2014 at 10:36 PM.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
i rarely stop by here to look for replays but this one was really really nice.
may i use it for a vid if possible?
.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
You are without a doubt the most interesting replaymaker right now.
Your replays are jerky, and has little to no flow, but that's what makes them unique and fresh. Instead of going for the spin2win approach of sparring, you chose to actually fight your opponents. I really like it.
You should start a permanent replay thread because you will go far if you continue to make replays in this pace.
Keep up the good work.

The only thing I can complain about was that Uke blocked the first swing with his hand rather than the sword. The "KO" was pretty anti climax and silly as well. Try to build up tension towards the end of the replay. Other than that it was really good.
Wow guys, thnx for the compliments. I didnt know they would attrack these kind of attention and comments :P really thnx

-Darkdanz, yes you can use it for a video. i dont mind

-Jisse, thnx for you nice comment, I so agree with the 'hand block' and 'boaring finishing. :P i really am impressed you've noticed.

-Manly potato, Thank you asswell man. Unfortunatly i dont know how to make longer threads but i have more if you scroll back.

Gr Binklawz.
Russian Army Combat
Please dont tell me to move fluid,
Thats the last thing i want to do..... spinning crazy like a fluid not human like being
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Originally Posted by BinkLawz View Post
Please dont tell me to move fluid,
Thats the last thing i want to do..... spinning crazy like a fluid not human like being

not sure why i have a toriboenr..
you the future of toribash graetz