Original Post
[vid] Aikido Montage wip
Tell me what you think !:>
Last edited by poop; Jan 8, 2014 at 02:40 PM.
Oldschooler | Evolution
It says te vid is currently unavailable. I'll cnc it once I can see it.

edit: I don't particularly like the opening part, It could be better. Other than that, it looked fine.
Last edited by Irrita; Jan 8, 2014 at 11:10 PM.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Wow, this kicks ass. Keep going, I have to see all of it to give it good CNC. So far, the sync is alright and the song is pretty good (even tho I don't listen to rock or whatever that is)
Shader choice is pretty random
Whoever that bloodied tori is got rekd.
I like it, continue.
Less useless posting, more criticizing please.
The next useless post will be infracted.

Keep it clean, and understandable. What is good, what could've been done better?
Make your post useful for the artist.