Original Post
Space Experiments Further
So, last time I posted here, one of the main comments I got was to loosen up. I did, and got a few good replays, but glitches ate them up. Really sucks, too, because one had an awesome "precise touch" decap. The only one that seems to have survived with the least amount of glitches was SpaceMangle.rpl, and it's not exactly my best.

So I decided to experiment further.

A couple of mods later, we have SpaceGiantKiller. (Uses the sword variant) A bit stiff, but oh well.

Then I noticed that grabbing onto environmental objects provides very good leverage.

SpaceFightBoxPowerSlingAndWallCrush: (Uses FightBox mod) Exactly what the name says. I first use the pole to sling Uke out of the arena, where he hits the top of one of the walls and falls on the other side, while I swing back around the pole and launch myself, landing on the wall as it's falling, to subsequently crush Uke.*

SpaceEnv2LegFling: (Uses Env2 mod) A quick use of the pole to deliver a nice back kick, followed by a quick sweeping grab of the severed leg, and, well, let's just say that leg goes flying. Followed by posing. (Sadly, Uke doesn't hit the ground hard enough.)

*An earlier try at this mod resulted in Uke lying on the start platform with a missing hand, and me hanging forlornly from a bar just above the instagib pit. But I did knock down a wall.

I hope that at least one of these replays entertains someone.
Attached Files
SpaceMangle.rpl (182.2 KB, 6 views)
SpaceGiantKiller.rpl (137.4 KB, 4 views)
SpaceEnv2LegFling.rpl (90.8 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by SpaceGreen; Apr 24, 2008 at 02:28 AM.