Original Post
Barigs Hax
ok i was dueling a player name Barig and he said we would have to give 1k to whoever loes, so he lost 5-2 or 3 idk, so he said he sented the tc, so i kind of beleived him, but i sent deaddie 5tc to see if he would get it, and dead got it, if barig would have one he kind of would have hacked me, so please help any mod.
Next time please PM an ingame mod or admin (ie; mosier, ninjaipom, ect) instead of creating a birthing ground for flamers.

It's helps so people don't get into an arguement.
ayylmaos are real
I was in the room with them.
He means they had a duel for 1000tc, Barig lost...said he sent them but Tele said he didn't and its dispututed.