Original Post
Fastest Total Dismemberment
Title of Record: Fastest Total Dismemberment
Measurement of Record: 314 Frames
Relevant Settings: 100 DM 75 Distance (Same as Kageton)
Mods Used: None

Is it valid?
Edit: BlackBear here. I just wanted to say that I like to edit your messages. Hence, Mike Hunt.
Attached Files
Tamer0 - The Decimator.rpl (389.5 KB, 233 views)
Last edited by BlackBear; Nov 11, 2008 at 01:01 AM.
Originally Posted by Ackman View Post
Maybe it's Toribash 3.6, but your replay is buggy as hell (all my old replays are bugging )

This replay was made in Toribash 3.62 so it could appear glitchy in other versions.

As for everyone else, thanks for commenting! It makes all the time I put into this worth it.
extremly nice
but noob clap wasnt best D:
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag