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[img] 5th digital painting (tablet painting)

whadya think?

here's a link to a larger version (x2) so you can see all the details I put in

enjoy, c&c appreciated.
Former Item Forger
You could do detail inside the mouth, draw the throat inside, maybe some saliva? then do a little black colour overlay and make the opacity 75%? or whatever looks best :3, Maybe a background?
Very nice ^^
i like the half face shadow effect and the stitches
inspired from nemesis ?

the inspiration was actually this beautiful biotch:

the face was missing something so I added the scar and the eye stitches.

the lighting I made particularly for effect, but at the end, I increased it for dramatic effect.
thanks for all the critique, I might add some more detail to it, but I think this was a good way to finish my 5th painting.
Former Item Forger