Original Post
[IMG] 6th Digital Painting!
That's right, after months of waiting, I have finaly made my 6th painting. My tablet has been shakey for the past month or so, so I've been unable to make any paintings, luckily, it magically decided to work today (I suspect the photoshop phairie) so I got around to making a painting, enjoy!

and a larger version:
Former Item Forger
Veeeeery nice. Like the jaw displacement very much.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
YAY! you noticed :P

I decided to displace his jaw on purpose, cause.. well... he is a ZOMBIE burn victim.
Former Item Forger
Very nice drawing stups.

You keep improving.

The whole thing is very unsettling, very disconcerting.

The eyes are what do it for me buddy :D

Nice work
Co Leader of Hell-Razor
Oh gawd, you actually did what i told you to do? I can't look at it anymore D:
naw jk. It's pretty good. I liek your creativity ;p
It makes me wonder..