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Youshop Item-Chos
sorry if i dont find a thread with same theme...

The Items in Youshop are so extremly in choas. (for the consumer)

Is there a way to assorted it same like the normal inventory, please?

thank you

Originally Posted by veb View Post
In Firefox, you can go ctrl+F and search a page for text! :O

This also works in Internet Explorer ;)
oh people, pleeease.. dont be so overbright

I cant belief that i have to write that, but sometimes people dont search a certain article. Sometimes people search cheap items, and so we look fast throu the sides and its a horror to do that in that chaos items....

And on end it looks awful.

I dont write here to arrogate something... its only a question if there is a way to arrange the items.

At the moment there's no way of sorting the items in the youshop, and afaik no way of searching though them.

Keep in mind that the youshop is still beta, but a search/sort function would be a welcome addition.

I'm not sure if it would belong in suggestions or in the torishop suggestion thread, but it's certainly one worth perusing.

Follow the above link & put forward your ideas.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
there is a search button of course.

I start with a search for ava (head avatar) and then search each colour in order.

It takes about three minutes to do.

I guess an advanced search feature would be nice

one like google's advanced search where you can type in say:

"trail" -gold

^-- to find all trails except gold

and sorting options would be nice.
Sort by newest
Sort by price
Sort by best deal
Sort by seller (or by shop ID)

this thread is similar to my Youshop suggestions thread. I hope these ideas help improve the youshop market.
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