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Replays problem
Today i got a good replay in wushu, which as i remember (with 100% certainty) was against some brown belt I have never even seen before. I saved it as the previous replay i saved with an added number. Well, somehow when i went to watch it, it replaced the guy i was fighting with my fellow clan member. This is pretty frustrating, since i don't even remember the other guys name and i can't just change it in notepad.

Anyone know why this occurs?

If you want the replay in question, here it is:
Attached Files
hhhhhhhhhmmmm6.rpl (35.7 KB, 29 views)
Firstly, that's a good wushu replay?

Not that it is bad, but I've seen you do better.

Also, perhaps its because of your naming structure, or maybe snudge was next in line and it cross-saved?

Maybe the Brown Belt was snudge in disguise?

I have no real answers, only more questions.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
I liked how i shifted momentum after dedicating fully to the sweep. But whatever.

And no, i saved it on time.

The only possible reason (and even then...i can't see how it should matter) is because i have saved another replay against snudge prior to this one, which i named hhhhhhhhhmmmm.rpl So same name but without the 6.
Interesting quandary.

I'm not sure, but I'd bet its what you just said.

Well above any normal user's ability to figure out tho.

Also, you have a more technical mind toward wushu mechanics. I save my replays based on "teh awesomez"

Its probably better than I realize.
"Splint Chesthair" - Is my real name.
Flawless victory is flawless.

I have had this happen once before, only it was against my brother whom I have never fought in game (cause we have the same IP) so it was kind of weird, I thought maybe it was a glitch or something, or maybe the name issue mentioned above.
(Hive people only, haha!)
Originally Posted by Dikarika View Post
Its probably better than I realize.

You sly bastard you

Originally Posted by LadyDEATH View Post
Flawless victory is flawless.

I have had this happen once before, only it was against my brother whom I have never fought in game (cause we have the same IP) so it was kind of weird, I thought maybe it was a glitch or something, or maybe the name issue mentioned above.


Yeah something's wrong....oh well....doubt it will be fixed given how rare of an occurrence it is.
that bug happens me sometimes, its like it thinks the other was in the fight and it get saved wrong, nothing to worry.