Original Post
How do i Post Textures or pictures of them onto my shop homepage?
Could someone plz help me! im selling head textures(or at least trying too) but i dont know how too show them on my shop homepage!
when i try pasting it it doesnt show up!! PLZ HELP!!!
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Upload the spinny/img to a site

paste the link b/w tags
[IMG] (link here) [/ IMG]
PS: no space b/w / & IMG
KONY 2012
oh sorry. i dont use the forums much


Hold on WHAT! the site just sais to send the image to some by e-mail. or does it send a link?

Last edited by Fyerrblad; Apr 30, 2009 at 04:49 PM.
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Use edit button next time. If you don't understand that homepage use then. There you can upload img's too . After uploading you will get link . Write .
no, i mean after i put in
i put that in and it doesnt show anything after i save it. doesnt even show wot i typed.

PS: sorry that im bothering u with this. i dont use the forums or shop that much.
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