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Lost my mobile booster!
Hello i have lost my mobile booster that i buyed a while ago i dont know how
some one culd please help me?
Dunno exactly but my friend had mobile booster and they didn't expire so.. i think it shud be some way to get it back.
Isn't it just boosters you buy with paypal that expires i got another friend that had the same problem as i have
You can get recurring boosters which run for 2/3 months. It's cheaper in the long run too.
Originally Posted by Ozzy123 View Post
It didn't for my friend and i know other people that got mobile boosters for over a month

Your friend was lying or he had subscribed to it.

You can indeed get a booster for three months - but you'll have to pay 3x the money. - here you can choose for how long you want the booster.
Whoop Whoop