Original Post
Newby replays!
I have some replays here.

Phil - doublekick: A regular doublekick, its nothing special.

Phil - inner calm is BULLSHIT!!!: A very grabby madman. I would be glad if i get a rate thats over 3/10 on that one.

Phil - woor comp: A replay made for a comp in my former clan.

Please rate and comment.
Thank you ~Phil
Last edited by PhilBro; Apr 3, 2009 at 03:41 PM.
Isnt playing Toribash anymore...
first one: 6/10 it wasnt really special in any way so i couldn't score it very high

second: 7.5/10 yeah, it's grabby, yeah it looks hold all-ish, but i liked the multi tasking personally

third: 6.5/10 eh nothing really special going on here
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

Screw helping Lolvale outpopulate vebamin C, the citizens need jobs! Help by clicking here! =P
uhm the last replay was the best but i thought they were all pretty good 8/10 for all i took off 2 points becuase you werent very fluid and you had alot of grab but youve got relaxing down.

Good Job
Thx for the positive feedback guys

Aikanaro, do you mean like this?
Last edited by PhilBro; Apr 3, 2009 at 03:41 PM.
Isnt playing Toribash anymore...
The last one is very nice-9/10. And there are some relaxed joints there.
2nd one is very good too! 9/10
Double kick is nothing special, it would be 9/10 too if that would be decap-split but its not. 7/10 so.
I like the moments when u decap, and the same frame u decap u move ur hand away.
8,5/10 for all. You are very good black belt. Im surprised, cuz i was expecting some noobclap "madmans" etc. And that was very nice surprise.