Original Post
You damb noobs keep your hands off my move.
Ah cmon people. i make a good move and people hijack it. cant you guys just make youre own f-ing openers.
No one invented any moves. Hampa created the game that had all the moves. People have been using whatever move you've created for a long time. These topics will just degenerate into flamewars. Who gives a shit if someone uses an opener similar to yours, it doesn't mean he ripped off yours.

Thread closed.
It's been done like, oh, a couple of hundred times before. Nothing new here. Besides, people are jerks and won't stop using the move even if you tell them to. While they might not use the move in your vicinity, they most certainly will when you aren't in the same server.
So basically, there's not really anything to do about it, and it isn't against the rules. Maybe make a perfect counter for it and beat the fuck out of them, i don't know. Complaining won't help though.
Thread locked. If you need to continue "discussing", PM me about it.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol