have you tried clicking the picture?
look it the three said

Ground Texture

Owned by 1,043 players.
Total in circulation: 1,110

Tradeable texture.

Stock: 968
Qi: 0
Price: 25,000 Toricredits

256x256 Ground Texture

Owned by 2 players.
Total in circulation: 2

Stock: 998
Qi: 0
Price: 50,000 Toricredits

512x512 Ground Texture

Owned by 16 players.
Total in circulation: 16

Stock: 990
Qi: 0
Price: 100,000 Toricredits
the 128x128 one is the normal one (bad quality)
the 256x256 is the intermediate one (better quality)
and 512x512 is the best one (the best quality you can get from the picture you upload).

Its like the heads.
Last edited by BirdFluBank; Apr 4, 2010 at 04:36 PM.
BirdFlu's storage and sales account