Original Post
Cannot Open Replays
Whenever I try to open a replay on the forum it asks me what program I want to use, so I click browse and select toribash. However, after selecting the program, it won't let me click the ok button for some reason.

I've tried to open replays with different versions of toribash, as well as using different browsers, but there hasn't been an improvement. I've also read through the FAQ and various threads on the topic, but have found no solution.

Yes, I realise I can do that, but it's a bit of pain having to save the replay each time and delete it when I'm finished with it. I'm just interested if there's a way that I could solve this problem to make things a tad easier.

Sorry about the merge. I screwed up. -Aslask
Last edited by aslask; May 2, 2010 at 09:02 PM.
Ok do this. Instead of opening it, save it in desktop.
Then move that file. To replays folder
Where is the replay folder?
You right click toribash
Find target
And there you go
There are folders
Find the replays folder and move the file to that folder.
And then login to toribash
Click replays and find your files name replay
And you will be able to see it.

You just save the file at Replays folder at the Toribash folder.
And you open up toribash, Replays and watch your moves..
Last edited by BioEx; May 5, 2010 at 05:06 AM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
What exactly are you selecting when you choose a program?
<lumpysolo> ermergerd it's jalis <lumpysolo> love u too jalis <3
<jalis> you are worthless <jalis> ignored for my sanity
Then you manually put the replay in your Toribash folder.

Toribash 3.86 or 3.88>Replays Folder>Paste the Replay there>Reopen the Toribash Client
Last edited by Aspire; May 4, 2010 at 03:59 AM.
Originally Posted by Aspire

Are Toribash replays the only things that don't open directly from your browser? Because if other downloads have the same problem then you most likely have a virus. It happened to me once.
If you can come on IRC while I'm there, we can try a few things rapidly and try to find out what causes the problem. I doubt if it will be necessary to save them all before opening. In the window where you select what you want to open the replays with, it should be opened with "toribash.replay(default)" when using Firefox.