Original Post
[S] 512 Detailed set!
[S]elling this 512x 512 set in TC

Prev Owner- Ferras
Atrist - Pln??
[B]Size - 512 [B]
[B]recolor - no [B]
Autobuy - 120k

This set is a very detailed set if you look at it closely

Offer up c:
Last edited by pie; May 25, 2015 at 04:11 AM.
Realism Replay Maker
Thanks to Oblivion, Swexx, nuthug for inspiration.
You can copy the link in browser I guess, ill try to fix
Realism Replay Maker
Thanks to Oblivion, Swexx, nuthug for inspiration.
artist is pln if i remember
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Ferras sold to me w/ full 512
Realism Replay Maker
Thanks to Oblivion, Swexx, nuthug for inspiration.
Willing to trade my massive globe flame if you are interested. Forge price 275k or somethin, throw in the 512 legs (not including feet) and arms and (no hands)
Just wondering if you would take flames. Shame if you don't, been wanting this set 2 poor in tc 2 buy.
what are moths?