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[TEX] Working on joint textures for my old set :D
I'm actually really liking this design. I'd say it's pretty good for a newb like me :3

"I will persevere where others have ceased."
the arm doesn't really make sense.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
the arm doesn't really make sense.

I do agree with this. Try and make the wrist, elbow, and shoulder flow with the textures of your bicep, hand, etc. But I think the chest looks nice. Keep working on it! Can't wait to see the outcome.
The joints doesn't really match the body textures at all. Just look at them, the design is nice, but if it doesn't fit the hole project, it is bad.
on its own, the torso joints look magnificent.
although im biased towards anything tribal.
its simple, good flow and scaling and the colour just pops it all out.

but still confusing.

the body textures are simple cartoony minimalist things, but then the torso develops into a tribal, it simply doesnt match.
theres not much going on in terms of flow from the body textures to the joints, theyr separate things, the whole point of joints to flow, to extend textures
shoulder rolls into bicep rolls into elbow rolls into tricep rolls into wrist rolls into hand to make for one solid arm, rather than 6 individual textures.

keep working at it.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Thanks everyone, I'll take it into consideration. I'll probably start changing the body textures
"I will persevere where others have ceased."