Original Post
Did you suffer and accident?
Post it here now!
I love reading how people falls , well I'll start with me.
I was at park with my friends in the bike , there is a ramp is like an U but made of dirt then a half one , but when the ramp ends the road is next to it , so some cars pass by there.
Ok now the accident :P
It was my turn , we didn't notice that there was a car , I turned rigt to avoid it , but whn you turn right it's all covered with rocks , so I falled , I falled over the bike hitting my balls , then hiting the floor with my face , everyone was laughing...
The funiest thing is that it didn't hurt , and my balls now are a bit red...
Not that much as when the acident happened but yeah they are a bit red lol.
Hapenned today 8 around hours ago.
Obviusly it hurted over time , in an hour I was like agh , my balls... You know.
Maybe red thing was blood...
I got red boxers that is why I don't see anything?
I hope is not blood...
Or I will not have moments o.o T_T
Last edited by daxter99; Jul 3, 2012 at 11:54 AM.
Tabletennis table+me = backflip try = fail = going to hospital with broken shoulder = long ago
dreamy suicide act
Me trying to climb over one of the walls in school like i normally do instead of having to walk one big round.

Slipped on wet grass and got a broken arm, exempted from PE for a year
Originally Posted by WickedHayo View Post
I broke my tailbone once, fell from the back of a truck.
Felt bad.

Pussy obviously.

Ended up getting 25 stitches in my leg because I tried to fit in a locker in 7th grade. Fit in fine, got stuck trying to get out and I ended up falling down and catching my leg on the insides of the locker, ripped a chuck of meat out of my leg and started spewing blood.
Still went to class though, only for 15 minutes before the teacher told me to leave. Apparently she doesn't like blood on the carpet or something.
I was attempting my first backflip... what the fuck was I thinking trying to do it on a slab of concrete?
Haha I didn't get up high enough, and ended up landing on my knees, smashing the bones :/
I now have two steel plates, one in each of my knees.
I hate living in Texas -_-
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
Tried to jump over a fence at school, didn't jump high enough and faceplanted.

Me and my friends laughed like fuck for an hour or so

That also happened to me once , it was a low fence so I didn't jump too much , and also faceplanted , but no one was around me thanks to god. lol
Playing kickball
Foot got stuck in hole
Twisted enough that the side of my foot came out of place (some how)
Couldn't walk for a full week
That bone is still out of place.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020