Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Tex] Dragon Knight.
Made in about 2 days, trying to get back into gimping.
some c&C would be appreciated

And not the pokemon.

Last edited by Fate; Feb 4, 2012 at 12:14 PM.
Awesome head!
Really creative, awesomme top mapping.
I love how you made the dragon part, and how you use the dragon teeths to "complete" the human mouth.
Love the idea of it. And the colors go together really well. And of course the mapping is perfect as usually.

Favorite part is the face though. Kinda looks like me \o\
Originally Posted by Cerberus View Post
he kinda looks sad... :<

you would be sad too if you had one eye, and a missing tooth.
Aw I thought it was the DotA character. TBH it looks like you were more focused on the face rather than the helmet. Although it looks great I'd consider removing the tribal or whatever it is.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
woah... your style at shading is really good. i like this idea, and the mouth looks disturbed with that helmet...
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Originally Posted by tarektarek View Post
Aw I thought it was the DotA character. TBH it looks like you were more focused on the face rather than the helmet. Although it looks great I'd consider removing the tribal or whatever it is.

Actually it was the other way around. The helmet took most of the arting time.
Really good head, although I think you should remove the small dragons on the sides...The kind of ruins it :/

Again... awesome head, good shading and mapping. I like it.