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Organizations has a weird Z
I haven't seen this before, seems like it just changed today, was it intentional? if so what was the point of it?

what I'm talking about


that'll be all.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Originally Posted by Ruyzan View Post
yeah saw that maybe a typo idk but it looks funny

Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I noticed it too. I'd suspect it was a typo but I don't see a reason for anyone to be playing around with the names of boards.

Maybe but it doesn't seem like a common typo, this is some sorta Z. Also yea I'm not sure why someone would change the name of a board, especially this minorly.

Originally Posted by noskcaj View Post
I think they changed it because it looks like a Z.

yea, maybe. But I for one don't like the way this looks at all. It's actually almost slightly irritating when your scrolling through the boards and one has a different character in it.

Also I just noticed this:
Official Organiζations

Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
It looks out of place. I don't see a reason for it.
Maybe someone got bored.

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So, you guys noticed the funny Z.... How about that now the orgs have first page always on top of the new posts? That's more neat. Although, some orgs will now have seriously to do some changes in design. Minimalism FTW!
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
So, you guys noticed the funny Z.... How about that now the orgs have first page always on top of the new posts? That's more neat. Although, some orgs will now have seriously to do some changes in design. Minimalism FTW!

There was once held a marriage ceremony.
It was truly the perfect ceremony anyone could hope for; a big cake, blindingly dashing decorations, a big hall, great food... And a handsome husband and a beautiful bride.
Everyone had a great time.
It went pretty much perfectly, until the bride tripped face first on the cake.
Weeks, months, even years after that ceremony, whenever someone would ask about the ceremony, people would only remember that shameful trip.

People tend to only see the bad things that happen. They have to have something to blame at, something to criticise.
They have a hard time to see the truly great things around them.
