Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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ShockWave [SW] Recruitment Thread.
Welcome to our Recruitment Thread

Heres what we want to know!

Rank: (optional)
Skype: (optional) This is our main use of communication
Special Talents:
Fav Mods:
Reason for wanting to join:
Previous Clan:
Tell us about yourself:

*You will be tested in game*
Heres the app guideline, i reccomend you read the last line first, just so you know :3

Im [Insert name here], i'm just your average Toribash player, but hear me out, i have been thinking about applying for some time now but havent quite ha the resolve up till' now. The reason i'm applying for Shockwave is because It's clan members are very respectful, helpful and you guys seem rather fun if thats one way to put it the other reason being that this clan is from what i've seen, quite active. I believe that this clan will help me progress my understanding of what this game is about since as i said before you guys are helpful, i do hope that I will be able to contribute and help this clan to achieve its goals as i
love the idea of watching a clan grow from the beginning.

Belt: -----

Skype name (Optional) This is our main method of communication, it would be helpful if you could provide a skype name )

Forum Activity: 1-10 I am quite forum active and i make sure to contribute to a conversation or an idea if the opportunity presents itself.
Ingame Activity: 1-10: Im also ingame every day, i play for quite some time each day, roughly around 3-6 hours a day.

Former Clans: ------- and ----- / (-----) The reason i left these clans, I left ---- because i got flamed for reporting someone who broke the rules twice but they threatened to kick me because he was in ----, and (-----) died.

A bit more info about myself:My real name is ----- and im -- years old, I have been playing toribash for a while since I joined Toribash back in 2013 and have since developed a passion for the game, i greatly enjoy the multiplayer aspect of the game and im usually on the game every day, i'd like to think that i am reasonably skilled at the game and able to hold my own.

Is there anything you're particularly skilled at?: Well, this topic is quite hard to answer as i'm not really very good at anything specific, but i suppose the thing i'm best at would be replay making although since i
don't actively make replays I would need a bit more time than some other replay makers to develop a smooth and clean looking replay.

Best mods: My best mod would definatly be Aikido / AikidoBigDojo, i'm also quite skilled at sparring, boxshu, mushu and im ok at lenshu

This is just the base for the app, I feel that a bit more could be added such as things like replays, GMT, what can you contribute and stuff like that

This may be a bit strict though since we are just a starting clan but hey, ya never know, feel free to edit this how you would like before you post it as an app guideline

Using ingame commands such as "/rf" and "/sa sw"
Last edited by Adam; Mar 4, 2016 at 01:26 AM.
Originally Posted by xXAngerXx View Post
You said you invited me and I didn't get anything

I asked you in game to post an application.

Username: utopia69
Rank: (optional)
Skype: utopia6918
Special Talents: defense and suplex
Fav Mods: judo/akido
Reason for wanting to join: wanting to meet new people and have fun
Previous Clan: VoRtEx

Last edited by utopia69; Feb 14, 2016 at 02:07 AM.
hello i am harlen and this is my application : D
username: harlenray99
belt: blue but i have sorta close to 100 fights till brown
skype: killblow 99 (id have a phone and i cant download it to my pc)
special tallents: in jousting i have a move caleld batuista bomber where i ether hit the body hard or rip there head off
favorite mods: twin swords katana/katana jousting graykido jousting fixed and all the other mods with weapones like katana and twin swords
reason for joining the clan: i feel like i could get more people in the clan and i support people in fights and i try to prevent bullying all around the toribash universe
privious clan: ive never been in a clan

and thats my application if you deny it ill understand
Originally Posted by harlenray99 View Post
hello i am harlen and this is my application : D
username: harlenray99
belt: blue but i have sorta close to 100 fights till brown
skype: killblow 99 (id have a phone and i cant download it to my pc)
special tallents: in jousting i have a move caleld batuista bomber where i ether hit the body hard or rip there head off
favorite mods: twin swords katana/katana jousting graykido jousting fixed and all the other mods with weapones like katana and twin swords
reason for joining the clan: i feel like i could get more people in the clan and i support people in fights and i try to prevent bullying all around the toribash universe
privious clan: ive never been in a clan

and thats my application if you deny it ill understand

Harelenray99. I accept this I like you with the no bullying anywhere. Also, we can teach you a lot of new talents
Originally Posted by harlenray99 View Post
hello i am harlen and this is my application : D
username: harlenray99
belt: blue but i have sorta close to 100 fights till brown
skype: killblow 99 (id have a phone and i cant download it to my pc)
special tallents: in jousting i have a move caleld batuista bomber where i ether hit the body hard or rip there head off
favorite mods: twin swords katana/katana jousting graykido jousting fixed and all the other mods with weapones like katana and twin swords
reason for joining the clan: i feel like i could get more people in the clan and i support people in fights and i try to prevent bullying all around the toribash universe
privious clan: ive never been in a clan

and thats my application if you deny it ill understand

Nice application!
We would love to be your first clan!
Its a yes from me
My Recruimentnece
My Name Is PurpleBird and I want to join Sw Because I want to help the clan become more popular,succesful and well-known.I'm a Brown Belt Rank 1577.My Favorite mod is aikido Pro and my talents are in kicking and Punching.I'd think myself as a strategist because I love planning out my next move or I just use my instincts and fight either way.I like helping people and being respectful to other.My motto is:Fight hard but also have fun.I would really appreciate it if u would let me into your Clan.

From PurpleBird,
Originally Posted by PurpleBird View Post
My Name Is PurpleBird and I want to join Sw Because I want to help the clan become more popular,succesful and well-known.I'm a Brown Belt Rank 1577.My Favorite mod is aikido Pro and my talents are in kicking and Punching.I'd think myself as a strategist because I love planning out my next move or I just use my instincts and fight either way.I like helping people and being respectful to other.My motto is:Fight hard but also have fun.I would really appreciate it if u would let me into your Clan.

From PurpleBird,

Purplebird. If you have a skype could you please list it. It is easier for communication, and also I accept this. But in future reference try using the preset application. its easier and more helpful.