Original Post
+Ive got banned for no reason..
I didnt know where to write..

So. yesterday my friend, his nickname in game is "enuckon" draw a set of textures
and sold them for 500.000TC he had bought textures and colores for the game and then he send 100.000TC to me(My account is 1Pycckuu). Today in the morning when i was going to upload some new textures i saw that my account is banned. It sais that the reason is hacking. But i was doing nothing to get ban. The Nickname of those who bought textures is "DRAMER"

Dear administrations of Toribash,please unblock my account and an account of the friend.

Faithfully yours 1Pycckuu.

Sry for my bad english.
Originally Posted by Balbeskin View Post
Faithfully yours 1Pycckuu.


PMing a supermod (blue names) would be your best bet.
Hmmm, you got banned by hampa. We'll have to look into this, but I don't think hampa just bans innocent people.

Moved to Support anyways.
I get the feeling I know why you've been banned, but it's not something I want to get involved in.

PM Hampa or talk to him on IRC, don't expect an instant response, he's a busy man.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you