Original Post
when was the best moment of toribash
i just want to know this
Foobi and Scar, Two biggest losers of Toribash
that was actually a bot thing,toribash never had that much activity.

For me,i think it was around 2010,nblx's event of light vs dark 2,
which actually got ruined cause the forum got hacked or something and
it required a rollback,so everything got lost.

but that event,it really was the best.
If you look on google trends you can get a somewhat good idea about the popularity of toribash.
Unfortunately i am on my mobile phone and can`t acces google trends right now.

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

The year of that @#w#@ thing.

Or is it #@w@#

Idiots would get themselves into arguments about how they're famous, saying that Hampa put their name in his signature.
if you consider the best to be the funniest, the link8 thread or april fools 2013. unfortunately i can't find the link8 thread if someone did that would be super
oh yeah
if ur talking about the best moment in toribash imo it would have to be that red button, which in my opinion should be brought back and cause tc rates to drop and etc
Originally Posted by FleshMon View Post

Was it that thread pusga? Cause I don't know what it really is but I gave it a try.

this is not as amusing as i recalled but thank you for finding it anyway
oh yeah
1. The time when robbing was a thing, where you robbed people from tc (from like 2010). lots of people got pissed, and it only lasted about a day

2. The forum rollback, where 4 months of forum data got deleted back in 2010

3. Any moment of time where wibbles was relevant.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020