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a quick Q about custom textures
if i make myself a texture, lets say for example a head texture

if i make the .tga and stick it under my name in the /custom/ovah9000/ will that texture upload to everyone who see's me or wil i need to buy some sort of "custom texture" from the shop?

same goes for HD head textures, do i need to buy a 256x256 or a 512x512 to use one?
no u need to buy the item the cheapest one is 2k the 128 256 is 10k 512 is 20000 i dont think theres anything called a hd texture on tb but chrome is coming out which looks like hd and if u use shaders it has more graphics er whatever
Originally Posted by ovah9000 View Post
if i make myself a texture, lets say for example a head texture

if i make the .tga and stick it under my name in the /custom/ovah9000/ 1)will that texture upload to everyone who see's me or wil i need to buy some sort of "custom texture" from the shop?

2)same goes for HD head textures, do i need to buy a 256x256 or a 512x512 to use one?

1: you will have to buy a custom texture item for everybody to see it, using the custom folders to change ur textures for everyone to see.

2: im not sure if you can put a 256 or 512 texture in your custom folders, but you will need to buy the item so that other people can see the texture.

edit:@bloobing: you ninja'd me
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Originally Posted by ovah9000 View Post
if i make myself a texture, lets say for example a head texture

1. if i make the .tga and stick it under my name in the /custom/ovah9000/ will that texture upload to everyone who see's me or wil i need to buy some sort of "custom texture" from the shop?

2. same goes for HD head textures, do i need to buy a 256x256 or a 512x512 to use one?

1. No. It won't upload it. You have to buy the texture and then upload it in

2. For others to see yes. Though you can put it in your custom folder, but you'll be the only one to see it.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Originally Posted by bloobing2 View Post
NinaJad you whats that

It means while he was typing his response you posted yours. Basically your post didn't show up until after he posted his, and yours was first.

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looks like im gonna have to start savin' :3

one last Question, if i buy a 256 or a 512 can i change the texture for free, or must i buy it again to use a diff custom texture??

@bloobong, hd texture was refering to 256 and 512 textures
No they cannot be hd until that comes out.And the other question when you put the art on the head texture item you can change it as many times as you want no matter is its 128,256,Or 512 The 256 And 512 Are the sizes meaing how big the head can be
Last edited by bloobing2; May 6, 2010 at 06:13 AM. Reason: needed to include something
why must u assume i know nothing? i may have only 2 posts but i do know what 128 256 and 512 refer to, i was talking about the texture, the pattern or w.e u want to call it, but you answered my Q so thx