Original Post
[Solved] Need help!
Hi i got problem that i bought vampire Force and relax some time ago. I actived both.
And i see them on actived list but i see only Force when playing. Anybody can help?
Well are you just playing in hold? Because if you play in hold your force will always show. Only relaxed parts will show your relax. If your talking about not seeing them in a replay it's because they don't show relaxes in replays. Or you could not see it well cause the colors are the same.
I'm back :)
Im not using only hold. I know that relax is shown only on relaxed parts.
I still dont see that vampire relax.

And it is actived.
I have deactived it and actived back already but still nothing...
And i also downloaded new toribash because i had 3.94 but now its 3.99 and i still dont see that relax.
Last edited by Zapekk; Apr 11, 2012 at 12:03 AM.

Go ingame and type /dl zapekk.
Wait for it to say "Download Complete" in the chatlines, and then type /lp 0 zapekk.

If this seems too complicated, you can always just play a few matches in multiplayer, and your tori will download itself.
I appreciate your help but it still dont work.

There u see
and here u can see that it is actived.

And have played multiplayer but still they dont download,
Last edited by Zapekk; Apr 11, 2012 at 02:23 AM. Reason: Fixed pictures
It indeed doesn't show up. I've just checked it in-game.

Well, I have no idea. Try deactivating and activating the relax again. If it doesn't help, contact someone from market squad. You can find them here.
Thanks Swetaros but it just dont start working. I gotta contact with market squad.
But if anybody knows anything about this please post it here.
Do i just send my relax to you now?
Ok so that relax just started working today.
So close this thread and thanks for help.
Last edited by Zapekk; Apr 11, 2012 at 08:48 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Via PM:
Originally Posted by zapekk
DONT send. It just started working. Donet know why. I already sent u a message but just tried it before i were going to send that relax and it worked so no problem.

Hmm ..
My next guess would be that there was a lack of communication between your Internet connection and the main server, which would explain why your custom folder wouldn't register the relax.

As long as the problem's solved.

Closed - PM me if the problem comes back or if you have any more questions.