Original Post
[Tex]Nameless head
Programs: Photoshop Cs6 for image, gimp for spinny.

Please post your opinions, and if your in the mood answer my following questions.

How much should i sell it for?:
Could i even manage to sell it?:
What should its name be?:

Im sorry if i made this thread incorrectly, i looked at the rules thread before making this, please tell me if i forgot to mention something.
The mouth is just too busy. Personally, it just doesn't "flow" for me. I think it looks like there's too much going on because you have two sections going horizontally and two triangular sections from the bottom coming up vertically.

I would get rid of the two horizontal pieces and add some kind of mouth, maybe a grille or a metal mask?

If you can do that, I could see that going for at least a two or three thousand TC's.
Its kinda of abstract wasnt really going for a look, just whatever looked nice to me, but i understand your point, i may make an altered version to fix that.
It's kind of a blend between robotic and abstract. Putting in a mouth will put it more towards robotic, and then you can put in some detail by adding screws in along the edges of the layers.
I cant imagine how to do the grill without making it look weird :<
the closest iv gotten is a starwars remake XD
Hmm so take out the stuff on the face, and from the fan make a mouth guard?
It may look nice.... i may try this out, though could i get pricing for it as it is now?
If you want to know what it looks like in game say /lp 0 siech0, im wearing it now just to see.
I think you can make a set out of it but keep it simple just like the head its now just too full get rid of the random stuff and you can make a pretty nice set out of it
My art shop pm m or post in the thread if interested: