Original Post
[ART]first ever signature

and some of my avvy


made in PS CS5
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
I'd think you'd actually be good at using

photoshop seeing as you started the photoshop user organization. You're not.

You use premade backgrounds, and almost never even touch the render

Spiderman: No flow, too blurry, no thirds used, border super uninteresting, filter sucks massive bollocks - I don't see why

anyone would use it ever unless you are 5.

You are an ignorant faggot who believes only his art is superior.

Learn to photoshop, because this just demonstrates how little you know

~user infracted
insulting members.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 12, 2012 at 08:23 PM.
i never said that i am the superior of art
and that was my first sig...
and that wasn't my best yet,people like you that make people stop making ART
you comment with a harsh comment
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Ignore him trice, all it takes to get better is practice. Once you develop a better understanding of the functions of photoshop, and exactly how layers work, you will be great!

I'll make a tutorial to help you out :3

Also, not really much to comment on this once, I don't intend to offend you when I say this, but, it isn't anywhere near what it should be. Have you previously had experience with photoshop to any advanced level in any field?
Originally Posted by tricerafi View Post
i never said that i am the superior of art
and that was my first sig...
and that wasn't my best yet,people like you that make people stop making ART
you comment with a harsh comment

I was only that harsh because you and your faggot photoshop user friends

(excluding cerberus, benD, and the other good artists) stuck your

ginormous e-peens in my face, insulted my art, then turn around and post

this shit. I'm NEVER this harsh with critisizms, it's just that people like you piss me off so much.
Last edited by Tor1g0d; Aug 12, 2012 at 05:48 AM.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Ignore him trice, all it takes to get better is practice. Once you develop a better understanding of the functions of photoshop, and exactly how layers work, you will be great!

I'll make a tutorial to help you out :3

Also, not really much to comment on this once, I don't intend to offend you when I say this, but, it isn't anywhere near what it should be. Have you previously had experience with photoshop to any advanced level in any field?

and i usually use PS for avvy making
but i still need to learn C4D and fractals placement

/edit:oh yeah depth too
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Tor1g0d View Post
I was only that harsh because you and your faggot photoshop user friends

(excluding cerberus, benD, and the other good artists) stuck your

ginormous e-peens in my face, insulted my art, then turn around and post

this shit. I'm NEVER this harsh with critisizms, it's just that people like you piss me off so much.

Calm down. All artists tend to be elitist to a certain extent. It originally hits you that you can literally make anything you damn well please, and then you think you are the god of art. That's the way it happens, but, people eventually grow out of it.

Let the dickwads be dickwads, going down to someones level is never good, nor productive in any way, shape, or form. If you are nice to someone, chances are, they'll be nice to you too.

As for the tutorial, I'll post it up trice, hope it helps you guys ^-^, just finished it.

As for C4Ds, I recommend you entirely stay clear of them. They hinder the development of your artistic talents big time.
I like more to Iron Man Ivvy,but since i don't like to spider man, this effects is simple and sickening..
Rating(the average of three avvys): 7,8/10