Original Post
Grim's Anime Avatars/Sigs!

Welcome to my Anime Avatar and Signature shop, i have been drawing anime characters for about 2 years now, and all they have been doing is gathering dust in my vast maze of folders, i even dug a few out of the system folder, inside a folder called "AAAAAAAAA"

Back on track, recently, A friend pointed out that he needed a new avatar/sig, i said "What the hell" and made him 3, He was astounded at the quality, and after some talking i came to the conclusion that i should make a shop and sell them, i want to keep my prices low, but not SO low as to lose all my content in a matter of seconds, so here i am.

Avatar: 5k
Signature(toriprime): 6.5k
Combo: 8k (3.5k saving)

If you want to add extra text (say your name) i will do that for FREE! :3

i am active between 5pm and 10pm during weekdays. weekends and holidays i will be on at 4am, at the most.

i would like it if users bought the stuff i put on the store, because i dont like taking requests, i will but you will have to make a offer. here are some examples of my work, be aware the following avatars and sigs ARE for sale, following the above price guideline.
EDIT: Now selling Solo avatars! i have Avatars, Signature's by Request, and combo's!

Disclaimer: By buying any of the following products, you agree to sell you soul to Thegrimreaper, who will then deal it to the devil in a upcoming poker championship, you soul will be bid against Jesus, god, Zues, and the Devil himself in a all in all out game of poker


Avatars are 1-8, just say the number and i will know ;3

Signature Requests



Dead Love

Nightmare (i can buy back avatar but will cost person making purchase extra 1k)

Commanders of Elements, Fire

Commanders of Elements, Water


Soul Reaper

Fujiwara, Bringer of Destruction

Love is War

Care Free

Hungry Miku

Rin&Len Samurai (Omg creative name ^3^ Request by fireless)

Just PM me or post a reply (if posting a reply be aware the reply may be delayed dramatically)
Last edited by VayneKuagari; Jun 20, 2010 at 01:07 AM.
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
Please get off my shop if you don't want to pay.

[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
Horribly boring colors, try a color adjusting layer on top of everything as an end effect to make everything feel smooth...
Or wait I think it's the weird layout of all the signatures that feels weird... like same layout different images... kind of ..very simple... but for that price
compared to the idiots taking 70k for something that looks like it came from the ass of Satan
this is quite good ^^

Good luck , High Five
Last edited by Freelancer; May 10, 2010 at 10:35 PM.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
Elaborate Freelancer please?
Edit: Sending
Edit2: Thanks Freelancer i will try getting some of my more action like images, and maybe for the avatar get the back of the head, then the sig could be the destruction in the distance?
Last edited by VayneKuagari; May 10, 2010 at 10:40 PM.
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
Originally Posted by thegrimreaper View Post
Elaborate Freelancer please?

take a close look and re-think, I find them bland and boring. Take a look at your current signature. It has the right colors, right font, and it's not boring, it has details to make up for the simple background
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
do you mean like the ghosted character looking in the background? and one reason i left the spaces on the sig's was for text to be added, maybe i should take requests instead of selling already made works?
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]