Original Post
Hey there big boys. ;)
Ayy, I'm Dennri.
I'm a green belt who used to watch quite a few toribash videos without ever actually playing the game. I'm from the UK, and will usually be on around 6-10pm on weekdays. I'm 16.
But hey, I'm here now. I know the ropes and frequently find myself beating black or black dan belts in tourneys.
I've got one question, is ragequitting popular with the game? I must have lost at least 20 wins to ragequitters so far, and it's usually common with the higher ranked players. Is there anyway to stop it?

Anyways, just popping in to say 'Hi'. You'll probably see me around in GMTourneys and tourney11 and 12.
Thanks for reading, good day!
Hello there! Nice to meet you, hope you'll enjoy.
And what about rage quits, they do it because you are Green, maybe they think you are an alt, or they just don't like losing to green belts, get your QI fast and ragequitting won't be a big deal, at least for me it isnt.
"People, like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves."
Welcome to the toribash forums. If you want the answer to that question. Here it is : Rage quitting is popular. But in a bad way. Most people hate rage quitters. I also hate them, but I do not let the anger get me because when they leave in the middle of the fight because they are losing, I just calm myself and focus on the next bout. (I find rage quitting sort of funny because they are the real ones that are mad.) Does that solve your question? Have a good day.