Original Post
[S] Spark's Sound Supplies

Styles that I can do include:

A favourite song line
A favourite movie quote
A voice-over
Custom (provide more info)


What type of Sound: (Kiai? Hit? Grip? Win? DQ?)
What you'd like to have in it: (A favourite song line? A favourite quote? A Voice-over?)
Any other relevant information: (extra info you might want to include?)

Want to see my Folio so far?

Want a pre-made Kiai?

here are some you pre-made Kiai's you may be interested in purchasing:
Riot Kiai
Waiting Kiai
Last edited by Sparky; Feb 12, 2014 at 05:24 AM. Reason: Added Kiai's to Shop
What type of Sound: (Kiai? Hit? Grip? Win? DQ?)Kiai
What you'd like to have in it: (A favourite song line? A favourite quote? A Voice-over?)A voiceover off of Monster House where the old guys says "Get off my lawn!!!" then the little girl screams
Any other relevant information: (extra info you might want to include?)pls add the girl screaming will make him sound creepy
Sparky sucks | Vibe is cray